3 September 2014

The 100 Day Song Challenge: Days 27, 28, 29 & 30

Day 27: A song with a number in it.

Not much to say here, aside that this is my favorite album by The Cure.

The Cure / Three Imaginary Boys

Day 28: A really old song. (roughly what year?)

Isn´t this like the same as the 30th challenge? Anywho, back in my baroque music days I used to play a lot of renaissance music too, and I was lucky to play this song along a friend singer in middle school. She sang it beautifully and a lot better than this version below. The year is somewhere in the renaissance I suppose? (version below is bad because you don´t sing/ play renaissance music with vibrato! Nor baroque music! This is an optional Emilie Autumn shaming too, if you will. All her attempts in baroque music are laughable)

Anonymous / The Willow Song

Day 29: A Michael Jackson song.

Never cared for MJ as a singer. As dancer though.... plus he was a fucking pedophile, so what gives? The only song I can mention in the Earth Song, since it made me emotional whenever I saw it on TV as a little girl.

Michael Jackson / Earth Song

Day 30: One of the oldest songs that you like.

See challenge 28 lol.

N. Finsternis


  1. I love that Willow song you posted. At least it doesn't overdo the vibrato. and yes, I'd also like to take advantage of this opportunity to say that I can't stand Emily Autumn. I wanted to. But it's terrible.
